Course Syllabus
Instructor Information
Course Information
Instructional (sometimes called educational) technology is becoming an increasingly important part of K-12 education. New and emerging technologies are what your students will be using to learn and complete homework, and it will be what they will use to succeed as professionals in the workforce. It can also be how you enhance learning, improve motivation and engagement, increase accessibility, individualize instruction, and improve communication with parents and stakeholders. In this course, we will learn ideas and skills for integrating technology to enhance your teaching. Specifically, I hope that by the end of the semester, you will be able to:
- Understand how technologies can enhance your teaching, professional work and communication, and personal professional development.
- Design technology-enhanced activities and resources.
- Identify resources to assist you in learning how to integrate technologies in the future.
- Be motivated and confident in your abilities to learn how to use new technologies in your teaching.
Situating IP&T 371, 372, and 373
This course is part of a 3-part series to enable teachers to teach effectively with technology. As technology needs and uses in the classroom change, teachers' knowledge of how to use technology needs to also change accordingly. Our goal with these three courses is to prepare you to be an educator who knows who to effectively use and think with technology to meet current and emergent needs. The 3 courses that make up this series each fills a different and emergent technological need. They are:
IP&T 371: Classroom Technology Integration—Learn about many different technologies and theories for utilizing these to be a better teacher.
IP&T 372 (elementary): Coding and Computational Thinking—Learn how to think computationally by using computer programming to solve classroom problems.
IP&T 372 (secondary): Technology Enhancement and Computational Thinking – Building on IP&T 371, learn when to enhance classroom activities with technology and how to think computationally to solve classroom problems.
IP&T 373: Online and Blended Learning—Learn how to teach online and how to use technological tools to effectively manage online and face to face learning.
ISTE Technology Standards
My goals for this course and inspiration for the activities are based in part on the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). These are the technology standards most often cited for teachers. A short description of the standards can be downloaded from ISTE. There are also technology standards for your students.
Course Policies
Course policies and assignments are subject to change as we move through the course because, like technologies, technology-enhanced instruction is constantly evolving! I will always give adequate notice of any changes to the policies or calendar.
Required Equipment
You need access to high-speed Internet and a webcam so you can participate in any synchronous online portions of the class. If you do not have this at home, then you need to schedule time to use a computer lab—the one in the MCKB is excellent and they have headsets available for you to participate in online video discussions. Other equipment (i.e. cameras, tablets, etc.) are available in the TEC lab in the McKay lab as well.
Important Websites
The assignments, rubrics, and information on acquiring technology badges is at
You will find tutorials here:
Learning Outcomes
Technology Instruction: Students will design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S.
The Technology Skills Assessment that you completed as part of 276 (or another course) is a PREREQUISITE for our course. Here is the website for the TSA:
Because of the blended (i.e., partially-online) nature of this course, you must be able to:
- have regular access to high-speed Internet and a webcam
- be able to teach yourself new technologies from tutorials
- be able to self-regulate your learning and stay on task by yourself.
Participation Policy
We expect you to participate in this class by reading the material, viewing the presentations, and making thoughtful and reflective contributions to the discussions with something more than a "drive-by posting" (e.g. "thanks!" or "good idea" or "me too"). You can work ahead of schedule if you wish—completing all of the assignments the first week if you want to!—but you still need to participate in the discussions during the time set aside for each discussion. Because of the time-sensitive nature of online discussions, discussion points cannot be made up.
Grading Policies
You must complete all major assignments to get a passing grade. You must honestly complete all the work yourself, but you are encouraged to share ideas with each other. If you want to do any assignments in a group, talk to your instructor to approve this before you begin the assignment.
Late & Makeup Work
Due dates for assignments are listed on the calendar and on the assignments. A minimum 10% late penalty will be assessed for work submitted after the assignment deadline unless I have previously approved a later deadline due to extenuating circumstances. No late work is accepted after the final exam prep day of the regular semester, before final exams begin.
Assignments on which you received at least 70% credit can be resubmitted until you achieve the grade you desire IF YOU HAVE TURNED IN THE ASSIGNMENT ON TIME. You also have TWO WEEKS from the time you receive feedback from me to turn in this revised work. I allow revision of your work because this is the way we learn new technologies: We keep trying and retrying!
Study Habits
In this class, it is very easy to fall behind, particularly if you are unfamiliar with new technologies. It is your responsibility to know what is due each week. It is best to be in the habit of checking in with the class multiple times each week and expecting that something is due each week.
One of my goals for the class is that you learn how to learn new technologies—because there will always be new technologies to learn! Here are some strategies to help you when learning something new in class:
- First, check the module in Canvas that I have created for each assignment. I try to explain the assignment thoroughly and answer questions that I have been asked in the past. We have also created rubrics and tutorials for you on most of the technologies being taught at
- If our tutorials and materials do not help, you can look for more tutorials on Google and Youtube. I can usually find tutorials for almost any technology I want to learn there.
- Use your classmates for help. Often learning new technologies is easier in a group.
- If none of these things helps you, you are welcome to email me to set up a 1-on-1 appointment. I usually respond to email within 24 hours except on the weekends and when I am out of town.
Course Schedule
There is a summary of the assignments at the bottom of this page. Assignments can also be seen on the Canvas Calendar.
Grading Scale
The following grading standards will be used in this class:
Grade | Range |
A | 100 % to 93.0% |
A- | < 93.0 % to 90.0% |
B+ | < 90.0 % to 87.0% |
B | < 87.0 % to 83.0% |
B- | < 83.0 % to 80.0% |
C+ | < 80.0 % to 77.0% |
C | < 77.0 % to 73.0% |
C- | < 73.0 % to 70.0% |
D+ | < 70.0 % to 67.0% |
D | < 67.0 % to 63.0% |
D- | < 63.0 % to 60.0% |
E | < 60.0 % to 0.0% |
Library Information
Librarian Information
Name: Rachel Wadham
Office: 1223 HBLL
Phone Number: 422-6780
Reference Desk Information
Name: Social Sciences / Education
Phone Number: 422-6228
Email: No library information available
Hours: M-Th : 8am-9pm; F: 8am-6pm; Sat: 10am-6pm
Department Research Information
E-reserve Information
BYU Online Policies
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |