Design Blueprints
- Due Feb 18, 2016 by 9am
- Points 20
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
An important aspect of design and development is done prior to even touching the computer. You will need to begin planning your instructional product immediately. You will post blueprints of your design to your PLE so that others may view and critique them. Your blueprints should be as specific as possible so that others can provide helpful feedback. When you post your blueprints, make clear your: purpose, approach, flow, and function. Please come prepared to discuss each of these (and any other important issues in your design).
- Purpose: The goal of your learning product is clearly defined. You indicate who the audience will be and how this tool is intended to help them increase their knowledge of a specific concept or skill. (3 points)
- Approach: Identify what technology(ies) you will use to create this project. In addition, clearly define the paradigm of your learning tool (e.g., game-based, hyperstack, review, simulation). (3 points)
- Flow: Your blueprints show a story-board of how users will progress through your learning product. (7 points)
- Function: Blueprints indicate the way different aspects of the program will work when clicked on or through other interactions (e.g., 'when the splash page appears, users are asked if they want to start a new adventure or continue their training where they left off'). (7 points)