Exam Retake Admin Page
Exam Retake Exam Retake Administration
This page is instructions for Full Time Supervisors, Student Supervisors, and Peer Mentors who have been assigned to download reports and send outreach emails to students who have failed exams.
- Run Orion exam fail report weekly
- Peer Mentors and send the initial outreach email
- Follow up email sent 2 weeks after initial email
- Final email sent 6 weeks after initial email
Exam Fail Report
Jenny will run the report each Monday and make email outreach assignments to Peer Mentors. Melanie will assign a Student Supervisor to send peer educator outreach emails.
- Each Monday run the "Failed First Final Exam Report" from Orion, covering Monday-Sunday of the previous week
2. Copy the new report into the Exam Retake Outreach Tracker Links to an external site., starting on the first open line below the existing data.
3. Sort the sheet by Last Name. Delete any exact duplicates (make sure both the name the course match). Some students will remain on the report from week to week because they haven't yet retaken their exam, so by deleting duplicates, we ensure they aren't getting the same outreach email two weeks in a row.
4. After duplicates have been deleted, re-sort the sheet by First Contact Date and then by Title. Anyone without data in this column will be sent an initial outreach email.
5. Next, assign the students to a Peer Mentors and Peer Tutors based on how many hours the mentor/tutors are working (i.e) If a mentor has more hours they have the capacity to reach out to more students.
- Exclude any students who have a zero due to cheating by marking them in red. We will not contact these students.
- For the following courses highlight it in green and assign it to a tutor in that specific subject: Geom 41 and 43, English 55, and Math 35.
6. Lastly, two weeks after that report is pulled, move the names to the '2 week follow up' tab. Similarly, move the names that have been in the 2 week tab for the full six week period to the '6 week follow up tab.' That way mentors can send out the additional outreach templates accordingly.
Outreach Emails
These are instructions for the Peer Mentor and Peer Educator outreach emails.
One for Initial Outreach Email (there is already a lot of content here), one for 2-week Follow-up Emails, and one for 6-week Follow-up Emails.
Brief synopsis of this section and who it's for.
Peer Mentors:
- After you have sent the initial outreach email, log the date in the First Contact Date column of the Exam Retake Outreach Tracker Links to an external site..
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