FINAL EXAM: Model Types

  • Due Dec 20, 2018 at 11:59pm
  • Points 40
  • Questions 5
  • Time Limit 90 Minutes


This set of exam questions focuses on the three model types we have discussed in class. There are five questions in this set, and the time limit is set at 60 minutes (you should not need anywhere near that amount of time).

As part of this set of questions, you will need to have a very basic understanding of the following statistics:



Factor change coefficient (for logistic regression).

You will not need to directly interpret any of these statistics, but you will need to understand their role in interpreting the results of different types of models.

All of the questions in this set are multiple choice. As part of the exam, you will need to distinguish bold, fushcia numbers from other numbers on the page. If this is difficult for you (for example, if you have challenges with eyesight or colorblindness), please let me know prior to taking this part of the exam. Note: The words "bold, fuschia) are formatted above--if you can tell them apart from the other words, you should be fine ;)

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