FINAL EXAM: Interpreting logistic regression output from R

  • Due Dec 20, 2018 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 1
  • Time Limit 120 Minutes


This part of the exam provides details about some variables (like in a codebook) and presents you with output from several R commands (you are given the commands and the output--you do not need to run anything in R).

There are 10 true/false questions on this part of the exam. Each question refers to a statement about the results of the output.

The code includes two logistic regression models (one ordinal, one binary), coding information for a variable, and some commands that call for certain types of output related to the models.

You will need to understand the following concepts to be successful on this part of the exam:

* How to read R code associated with binary logistic regression

* How to read R code associated with ordinal logisitic regression

* What a p-value is and does

* How to handle interpretation of coefficients for logistic regression

* Basic data management, such as reading a codebook

* Levels of measurement

This exam is open to books, notes, internet, etc. Please do NOT use live people though any medium to help with any part of the final exam.

You have 120 minutes to complete this part of the exam, but the prepared student should be able to complete this part of the exam in about 10 minutes.

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