FINAL EXAM: Running And Interpreting A Model in R (Order: 2)

  • Due Dec 20, 2018 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit 180 Minutes


This part of the exam requires you to run and interpret a statistical model in R after uploading a clean dataset (you do not have to clean the dataset). There are 10 question parts. The first question part requires you to verify that the data are clean by running a specified R command. The second question gives you a model to run and asks you to interpret each variable in the model (there are 8 variables). The last question asks you a follow-up question on the interpretation of one of the variables.


You have 180 minutes to complete this open book, open note, open internet exam. The exam is closed to live help from people in any format. 


If you have unexpected technical trouble, DO NOT spend 180 minutes trying to remedy the problems. The exam is intended to run smoothly, not to trick you. If you cannot immediately resolve the issues, stop taking this part of the exam and call or text the professor at 801-404-8709. This part of the exam should take the prepared student about 10 minutes total.

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