Second Multimedia Project
- Due Nov 5, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a website url
Of course, video is just one type of multimedia. For your second project, you will create a second type of multimedia. This time around, however, you can choose which technology to learn! I hope you will choose to learn technologies that
- you are currently unfamiliar with, and
- you are likely to use in your own teaching.
To achieve these two goals, I have provided several options that you can choose for this project, or you can suggest your own idea if something else would be more beneficial.
- Create another instructional video using iMovie on the iPads, which is different than on the desktop and useful for classes that use iPads extensively.
- Create your own podcast (view rubrics on (Links to an external site.)). This will involve completing the Audio Editing badge and an audio hosting badge (e.g. Soundcloud or Audioboom).
- Learn to use at least two new photo development tools, such as Canva, Thinglink, Piktochart, or PicMonkey.
- Create an interactive e-book using iBooks Author.
- Advanced: If you are already familiar with these technologies, we can negotiate a different project where you explore a technology like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Final Cut Pro, or something like this.
Remember, you must select a project that meets the two goals listed above. You can find rubrics for these projects and others on Links to an external site..
Submit your project by embedding it on your online portfolio and submitting the URL here. If you want to receive the badges, also submit on Links to an external site.